This app has the potential to be the best on the market bud they have a lot of fixin to do.
I downloaded the free version to my iPhone, and upgraded within an hour because the design and purpose of the app is fantastic and the free version only allows three groups. Results very disappointing but also very fixable if designers get busy with fixes.
For starters, when I tried to upgrade to my phone via the App Store which Ive done numerous times on this phone, I kept getting a default message asking for credit info to download. I then went to my iPad to try download and it accepted my credit and downloaded. Problem: it still doesnt show up on my phone, which is where I need it most.
I also found that the app is not readily intuitive...for example, I have yet to find a way to eliminate a contact from a group without deleting the contact all together. I could go on but you get the idea. The designers need to get busy. This app fills a great need for grouping on mobile devices. I and others will be anxiously awaiting improvement which will make the app a 5+.
Capn Rick about iGroup Contacts+Speed dial